WinMoney Startup Problems - FAQ
1. Database Locked or readonly - Pen/ USB drive.
- If you are on pen
drive -> Check the lock, it may have been accidently locked.
To open the lock, take out the pen, push the lock to other side and
again insert the pen in USB slot.
2. Database Locked or read-only - Hard disk.
- If you are working
on hard disk -> Check properties of money.mdb which is located in WinMoney folder read-only flag must
not be set on file.
- to remove readonly unmark readonly and click ok.
3. User already logged in
- Another instance of
WinMoney is already open with the user initials you are trying to login.
- Login as another
user or close the first instance and restart the program.
Restart the computer
After restart problem persists following following procedure.
- Start - Run.
- Type %temp%
- System will show temp directory in windows explorer.
- Remove user.mdb i.e. if user is SSE then remove SSE.MDB from temp directory.
4. You and another user is trying to access the same data.
- Restart the computer & try again.
- If this does not solve problem copy the winmoney data folder to desktop.
- if copying fails - it is media problem.
- After copying try running the program from desktop by clicking on money.exe (Icon book).
- If this works then format the media & copy winmoney folder from the desktop to media.
- if this does not work then follow the data recovery procedure.
5. 13 Type mismatch.
Check regional
setting, this must be US - english.
- Click on start button-control panel.
- Regional options.
- select your locale as US - english.
- Click on Advanced & check on short date format.
- Set the date format as 'dd/MM/yyyy'.
- Click Apply & OK.
6.Database of new version, upgrade program to new version.
User may have restored new version database after reinstalling the package (without
upgrading the program to latest version).
Upgrade the package by
following upgrade procedure.
7. After double click, winmoney program does not open
Earlier winmoney task is already there in memory, clear it via task manager or restart the computer.
8. After double click on winmoney icon program gives message (path not found).
Check properties of short cut and note down the money.exe drive and path.
If you are working in pen or removable disk, check in my computer whether particular drive is being shown.
- Not shown :- Pen/ zip is not getting detected, shut down the computer, fix
pen or zip properly restart the computer and check again in my computer
(in case pen or zip drive is still not being shown it must be hardware
or driver problem contact your hardware vendor).
- Shown but as some other drive :- Start the program via
my computer, drive, money folder and double click on money.exe (book
In case you have multiuser setup with LAN installation then check.
- Computer on which "winmoney" folder resides is on.
- Check your computer cable and hub/ switch cable.
- Restart computer and check the program.
- Even after this if problem is not solved restart both the computers.
Check the existence of files.
9. Database corrupt or any other error during setup which is not listed in setup 1 to 7
Close the program and follow the
data recovery procedure.
10. Per Day problems
This occur when your software is not registered.
11.Registration expired.
Package has not been registered after installation please register the package by following
Winmoney registration procedure
12.Component NSLOCK15VB6.OCX not found
Package is not installed do setup by following the
Winmoney Install procedure.
13.Not a valid bookmark.
Data is corrupt. Follow
Winmoney Data recovery procedure
14.Convert.txt not found
Either report folder is missing or Data is corrupt. Try upgrading the program with
WinMoney upgrade procedure.
15.Error on compact rebuild.
That means you have not compact.To compact follow below procedure
- Click on system.
- Select compact rebuild.
- Click on YES & OK.
16.No printer configured reports may not be visible.
It means your printer drivers are not installed
To install dummy printer
- Click on start button-control panel.
- Click on printers add printers.
- Click on next-select local printer.
- Select lpt1: click next.
- Select epson lx-300 click next.
- Click on finish button.
17.112 permission denied
Restart the computer. After restart problem persists following following procedure
- Start - Run
- Type %temp%
- Make sure that show all files setting in on in windows explorer
- System will show temp directory in windows explorer
- AS some files are hidden so you have to click on tools button in windows folder options,click on view,select show hidden
files,unmark hide files extensions and hide protected operations.
- Remove xx*.*
18.Money.exe not found � virus
- Money.exe is been deleted by virus.
- You have upgrade the version by following upgrade procedure.
- The software will start once check the data and take the backup.
- You have to remove the virus by antivirus software.
19.Database corrupt - repair
Close the program and follow the
data recovery procedure.
20.Disc or network error
- Restart the computer & try again.
- If this does not solve problem copy the winmoney data folder to desktop.
- If copying fails - it is media problem.
- Try copying only MONEY.MDB to desktop.If this also fails you follow the data recovery procedure.
- If MONEY.MDB copying succeds
- Create new folder 'money' on desktop
- Extract latest version into this folder
- copy MONEY.MDB in this folder
- After copying try running the program from desktop by clicking on money.exe (Icon book).
- If this works then
- Format the media(Open my computer, right click on the media drive & select format)
- Copy winmoney folder from the desktop to media.
- Check your data
- Delete the desktop folder