IQTek - Software product & solutions company

Winmoney upgrades 2009

WinMoney package is being upgraded regulary according to customer feedback & requirements continuously since last 10 years. Customers can download new version free, without fearing for any disruption in their working

Winmioney thanks customers for their valuable suggestions & taking our product to new levels in retail, wholesale, manufacturing & normal accounting for other businesses

6.51.5 (29-10-09)


  1. Default one piece setting to be remove for loose category in detail & popup For correcting old data
    1. Update purchase sale_bom pb set pb.nopcs = 0
    2. Update purchase sale_detail pd, category c set pd.nopcs = 0 where pd.catid = c.catid & c.Loose and pd.nopcs = 1
  2. Bullion
    1. Default issue in place of receipt
    2. Sequence change
    3. Order help change with direct rate getting populate in grid
    4. Pending order statement in bullion
    5. Fixed by default in order booking
    6. Average purchase sales / order & sales combined
  3. Diamond
    1. Average Rate Quality Not Working - fixed
    2. Stock statement Loose & studded break - fixed

6.51.4 (24-10-09


  1. Sales person tagged with party

6.51.3 (23-10-09)


  1. Lot wise WIP corrected
  2. Handmade statement corrected

6.51.5 (29-10-09)


  1. Types of lots
  2. Category wise lots - Wholesale input lot wise stock within category - as implemented in
  3. Party wise Lots - (Setting Handmade Mfg plus delink Lot From Category
    1. Existing handmade settings
    2. Lot Karigar name is must
  4. Party Operation wise lots - (Setting Handmade Mfg plus Mfg Antique plus delink Lot From Party)
    1. Lot karigar name would be null
    2. This setting will be used for same lot moving to different karigars operation wise
    3. This will handle antique manufacturing
  5. Implementation
    1. Lot no help & auto coming up when there is only one karigar
    2. Lot validation in bill entry screen for Settings
    3. Lot Type Karigar Wise Lot Type Karigar Operation Wise
    4. Lot help implementation
    5. Lot no help & auto coming up when there is only one karigar

6.51.1 (15-10-09)


  1. MRP Category - Still Empty Gross Wt Is Being Asked
  2. Category List Search In Barcode
  3. Eight Digit Not Coming New Label Entry Screen
  4. Reminder Not Going In Purge Data - M Or U
  5. Complete Order Purge Crash

6.51.0 (14-10-09)


  1. Udhar Ledger Interest - Crash Due To Formula Fixed
  2. Lending Settlement Upto Date Figures Are Now Coming

6.50.3 (10-10-09)


  1. Charges In bill printing
  2. Operation & stage property form for antique manufacturing

6.50.2 (6-10-09)


  1. Stock output in retail
  2. Party Ledger detail - confirm test for balance in ledger


  1. Tasklist mobile added
  2. Silver label estimate � purge
    1. Bug of default subbook fixed
    2. Data correction SQL
    3. Update purchase sale_hdr set subbook= 'S' where documents no. Like 'SI*'

6.49.1 (10-9-09)


  1. Order management in wholesale
    1. Review of karigar order, order status, bill entry screen


  1. Udhar/ Money ledger in the sequence of party name

6.49.0 (8-9-09)


  1. Party help corrected order by party name in query, bill entry screens
  2. Sales via scanner implementation
  3. Sale bill via import

6.48.0 (5-9-09)

New Setting

    1. Hide Other Making Charges In Bill", _ Cat1wholesale, Cat2defaults, Fldboolean, 1, "N", , "Y,N"
    2. "Hide Rate % In Bill", _Cat1wholesale, Cat2defaults, Fldboolean, 1, "N", , "Y,N"
    3. "Show Total Column In Bill Detail", _Cat1wholesale, Cat2defaults, Fldboolean, 1, "N", , "Y,N" "Add Catid To Barcode"
    4. "Bill Print Above 10 Lacs",


    1. Borrow amount width increase


    1. One more option for barcoding no with fixed no setting with category ID prefix, for converting fixed no. Setting into barcode like setting,.

    6.47.1 (23-07-09)


    1. F8 Category wise Running Label
    2. Daily Page 99.5 Is Coming As 90.025
    3. Diamond Stock Quality Party � Documents Date Order
    4. Receipt Issue Statement Material Total

    6.47.00 (21-07-09)


    1. No. Bill wise daily report - as entered setting - crash fixed
    2. New settings
      1. caret round off
    3. Material - per pc caret new column added


      1. Category mfg mc scrap - separate classification
      2. Process details - mcscrapbymeltper, mcscrapcalcauto , Scrap By Out Per

    6.46.01 (11-07-09)


    1. Discount Calculation In Wholesale
      1. Disc Calc Type Value = S
      2. Show Discount =
      3. Show Discount Option In Category

    6.45.01 (09-07-09)


    1. Settlement in Party Ledger As Opening Date + Set Remarks
    2. When No Wastage - Sale Bill Entry - Party Category Wastage
    3. li>
      1. Last Wastage Is Taken In Place Of This It Should Be Zero
    4. Bill .00 in Caret Column It Must Be 0.00
    5. Settlement Remove Option in Udhar Ledger
    6. Grid Pointer Change in Payment Screen

    6.45 (07-07-09)

    New Settings Implemented

      1. Show Second Labour Pcs Column As Boolean
      2. Caret Round Off As Integer


    1. Transaction not viewed before lock date fixed �
    2. Caret round off
    3. li>
    4. Second pcs column & calculation - Labour Pcs smelling Labour Rate On Pcs single
    5. DAILY REPORT AS Entered Format Payment Issue/Receipt
    6. Rate cutting register for single party
    7. Udhar ledger interest - metal
    8. Remarks in settlement
    9. Caret round off 2 or 3

    6.44.2 (01-07-09)


    1. Compact after create per day



    1. Internet integration setting off for avoiding display freeze during SMS
    2. Subbook -1 month, 15 days - Subbbook Is "N"



    1. Retail caret 6

    6.43.2 (25-05-2009)


    1. Retail locking implemented properly for following functions
      1. ML Accept Less
      2. UL Accept Less
      3. Mlchangeper
    2. Wholesale locking implemented for sales credit limit
      1. Lock Credit Limit Purchase
    3. Bank help in payment issue receipt short forms not working-done

    6.43.1 (05-05-2009)


    1. Single lable entry without popup not working fixed

    6.43.0 (02-05-2009)


    1. Single lable entry without popup not working fixed
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