Q 1:I am using manual Book keeping system, what's use of doing it on computer ?
Solution:Many benefits are there in computer system,like:-
- Balance sheet(Profit and loss) on any date.
- No need of keeping separate books for stock,udhar,purchase,karigar and cash.
- Lots of time saved.
- More than one user can work simultaneously.
Q 2: In my existing manual system I have to spend considerable time for business profit & loss statemnet ?
Solution: WinMoney is complete accounting package thats helps you to give business summary
as on any date with valuation of gold at a press of button. |
Q 3: To control my Outstanding, I need due date wise outstanding rather than one consolidate
figure as in my existing manual/computer system?
Solution: WinMoney provides you facility of getting outstanding list due date wise with
balance of individual Bill(chiti) and summary of each party balance with area wise. |
Q 4: How do I write/share my books with number of person in office?
Solution: WinMoney has a facility to use with multiple users with balance locking features.
Once the transaction are locked,no one can change /delete/add transaction before lock date
without supervisor password. |
Q 5: I do not know much about computer operating,will I be able to complete every day entry regularly?
Solution:WinMoney comes with training program especially tailored keeping in mind of user
background in this business.WinMoney team is committed to provides phone/visit support till
user gains the confidence. |
Q 6: After doing so many transaction with the party,I am not able to find whether the party
is giving me profit or loss and in the process not in a position to decided when to stop
transaction with party.
Solution: WinMoney has a special business report
providing party wise profit/loss based
on the interest calculation and every day changing gold rate.This helps you in grading
the parties and decide about stopping the transaction with the party,who is giving loss |
Q 7: How to keep records of metal given to karigar for item making?
Solution:WinMoney gives you a special report which
gives you detail of items which are received
before delivery date and how much metal is pending from karigar as on any date. |
Q 8:I am not able to maintained stock Ledger?
Solution:Stock ledger can be maintain with latest labeling.
system for continuously monitoring the stock |
Q 9: Are the entry posted in respective Account and cash can be Tallied?
Solution:Manually posting entry in respective account is very time consuming,WinMoney has a special
feature,single entry posting in all accounts(books) respective with cash Tallying facility. |
Q 10:I am not able to find out which are Moneylending item where interest is more than asset value?
Solution:WinMoney provides a report which
gives complete details party items are in loss. |
Q 11:If both Moneylending and udhar are balance of any party ,I have to check both the books?
Solution:WinMoney provides a single entry module for
viewing party mMoneylending balance and udhar balance,reminding customer of udhar balance,
before settlement of Moneylending account. |
Q 12:How to keep the records of item which are in Bank(vdala)?
Solution:WinMoney has record of all the items of Moneylending where kept.
Also it display in settlement screen item is kept in which bank. |