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WinMoney Answers Your Questions

Q 1:I am using manual Book keeping system, what's use of doing it on computer ?
Many benefits are there in computer system,like:-
  1. Balance sheet(Profit and loss) on any date.
  2. No need of keeping separate books for stock,udhar,purchase,karigar and cash.
  3. Lots of time saved.
  4. More than one user can work simultaneously.
Q 2: In my existing manual system I have to spend considerable time for business profit & loss statemnet ?
WinMoney is complete accounting package thats helps you to give business summary as on any date with valuation of gold at a press of button.
Q 3: To control my Outstanding, I need due date wise outstanding rather than one consolidate figure as in my existing manual/computer system?
WinMoney provides you facility of getting outstanding list due date wise with balance of individual Bill(chiti) and summary of each party balance with area wise.
Q 4: How do I write/share my books with number of person in office?
WinMoney has a facility to use with multiple users with balance locking features. Once the transaction are locked,no one can change /delete/add transaction before lock date without supervisor password.
Q 5: I do not know much about computer operating,will I be able to complete every day entry regularly?
WinMoney comes with training program especially tailored keeping in mind of user background in this business.WinMoney team is committed to provides phone/visit support till user gains the confidence.
Q 6: After doing so many transaction with the party,I am not able to find whether the party is giving me profit or loss and in the process not in a position to decided when to stop transaction with party.
WinMoney has a special business report providing party wise profit/loss based on the interest calculation and every day changing gold rate.This helps you in grading the parties and decide about stopping the transaction with the party,who is giving loss
Q 7: How to keep records of metal given to karigar for item making?
WinMoney gives you a special report which gives you detail of items which are received before delivery date and how much metal is pending from karigar as on any date.
Q 8:I am not able to maintained stock Ledger?
Stock ledger can be maintain with latest labeling. system for continuously monitoring the stock
Q 9: Are the entry posted in respective Account and cash can be Tallied?
Manually posting entry in respective account is very time consuming,WinMoney has a special feature,single entry posting in all accounts(books) respective with cash Tallying facility.
Q 10:I am not able to find out which are Moneylending item where interest is more than asset value?
WinMoney provides a report which gives complete details party items are in loss.
Q 11:If both Moneylending and udhar are balance of any party ,I have to check both the books?
WinMoney provides a single entry module for viewing party mMoneylending balance and udhar balance,reminding customer of udhar balance, before settlement of Moneylending account.
Q 12:How to keep the records of item which are in Bank(vdala)?
WinMoney has record of all the items of Moneylending where kept. Also it display in settlement screen item is kept in which bank.