WinMoney upgrades 2011
WinMoney package is being upgraded regulary according to customer feedback & requirements continuously
since last 10 years. Customers can download new version free, without fearing for any disruption in their
WinMoney thanks customers for their valuable suggestions & taking our product to new levels in
retail, wholesale, manufacturing & normal accounting for other businesses
6.79 (22-11-2011)
- size code column increased to 25 chars - one gram
- Money lending ledger crash of narration more than 100 chars fixed
- Retail - above 5 lac mandatory pan no.
6.78.02 (14-10-2011)
- Daily Rate in wholesale giving rate amount print & gold amount calc in chitti - solved
6.78.01 (09-10-2011)
- Site wise report of party outstanding
- Party Ledger manual format - now rate cut comes in both the sides
- Crash of help when '[' is pressed - fixed
6.78.0 (06-10-2011)
- New Setting - Show Site - for extra field in bill & payment for site wise/ cost center wise
accounting details
- Site column in party master (Party type N-stands for site, C-For customer)
- Site column in bill entry & payment screen
- On account settle - now takes care of lock date specified in system
WinMoney Retail
- Category barcode - added "Stock" column - for printing stock statement with photo
- Money Lending barcode fields added 'ParName', 'Phone', 'ItemPhoto', 'Narration'
6.77.07 (04-10-2011)
- Balance report no bill wise - new option of Lena/ Dena with logic change for showing rate cut entry
on proper date
6.77.05 (27-09-2011)
- New Label entry screen - now works with enter key
6.77.04 (19-09-2011)
WinMoney Retail
- Interest calculation method "A" now works in money lending
6.77.02 (15-09-2011)
- Party ledger detail - bill format crash fixed
6.77.0 (11-09-2011)
- Subcode in party master made 2 digits -
- New Settings added
- Increase Display Font Size - to take advantage of for bigger resolution in terms of height screens
- Show Category Wise Melting Range - For wholesale showing stock in melting range as specified in
range table
- Export bill details to excel - for poup up breakup
6.77.01 (11-09-2011)
- Form resize - Money entry, receipt, search item - for taking advantage of higer resolution screens
6.76.0 (05-09-2011)
- Multi currency implemented
- Party master
- Contra party journal entry with currency
- Business summary with currency
- Supplier Short text in label - increased to 10 characters from 5 characters
- Interest calculation method - added in subbook
- Setting �Money lending date wise� - interest of 1 month extra � in case of sub book A - fixed
- Setting "Show Advance Interest In Udhar Lending Entry" - extra setting added
6.75.0 (05-08-2011)
- Barcode for party master
- Attrib1 of label (used for diamond jew certificate) now comes in print (sales bill)
- Business summary with currency
- SMS on sales/ order with mobile in purchase/ sales screen
- Stock statement - issue receipt labels with date wise totals
- Smstemplate.txt - Can be copied into customer folder for sms template changing by user
6.74.1 (21-08-2011)
- No1 Money lending bills crash due to overflow of bill no exceeding 5 chars - fixed
6.74.0 (03-08-2011)
Retail - New Settings
- "Money Lending Security Types" - now can be specfied via settings
- Implementation of fix date wise lending via "Money Lending Month Day Wise"
- Subbook code can now be 2 characters in place of earlier limitation of only one character
One gram
- �Negative Stock Lock� for 1 gram setting checking stock going negative
- Negative stock check during purchase sales entry screen
6.73.6 (13-07-2011)
- Labour calculation in (handmade) now directly with gross * wastage in place of earlier (party fine -
net wt)
- When �handmade labour calc setting�
- Melting for party fine calculation now always 100
- Melting used only for grouping in "no lot" statement
6.73.4 (27-06-2011)
- In case of handmade labour calculation for labour issue/ receipt - purity if not specified treated
as 0
- Handmade calculation statement with "no lot"
6.73.3 (13-06-2011)
- Handmade mix settings without lot & with lot together settings
- Without lot - R, P
- With Lot - R,P,RF,PF
6.73.2 (04-06-2011)
- Barcode per day crash during create per day -- fixed
6.73.1 (01-06-2011)
- Loose ledger - quality wise
- Search item - label
- Search caret, quality
- Quality field size increase to 15 characters
- New sale bill with prefix "new" with photo for "onegramgold" And "antiquecalc" And "photoon"
- Form 12 - address city added
6.73.0 (16-05-2011)
- Weighing machine event handler as per old code - auto print button setting effectively not working
in software - fixed
- Handmade report - operation wise without lot
- Search caret, quality
- "Change To Indian Regional Setting" - now user can opt for dd/MM/yyyy date as optional in place of
earlier compulsory update in regional setting by program. This led to breaking of some broker front ends.
6.72.0 (06-05-2011)
- Security on MIS Reports
- Location code in labeling
- One gram - stone size column length increase to 20
6.71.10 (01-05-2011)
- Googly - Conditional Compilation
- Now drag database & drop on to WinMoney icon must work
6.09.10 (30-04-2011)
- Diamond type popup with caret not getting saved - creating problem in wholesale fixed
- Stock ledger pure figure calculation
6.71.02 (10-03-2011)
- Party ledger detail variation of with interest due date in amount & weight on running balance
- Antique calculation - mult fact bug fixed - creating problem of mult factor 0 in last row
6.71.0 (07-03-2011)
- Addition field in label Popup11, 12, poup11amt, poup12amt
- Party ledger detail variation of with interest in amount & weight on running balance
6.70.01 (23-02-2011)
- Addition field in label Popup8, 9, 10, poup8amt, poup9amt, poup10amt
- Stock transfer grid made smooth, with cursor moving automatically in next column
- Money lending screen crash fixed when bill no is null
6.69.01 (15-02-2011)
- Partial delivery in bullion implemented
- Closing balance in chitti
One Gram
- Style master print in one gram
- On approval purge in retail - upto date
6.69.01 (26-01-2011)
- Category master print - separate screen
- Style master print
- Search - narration now searches in bill item description
- Sale value column
- Labour receipt, issue
- Stock transfer
- Sales now can be entered by user
- User profile
- Default location
- Default cash bank code
- Implementation of coded password in user table
- Default location implementation
- Bill entry
- Payment issue receipt
- Stock transfer from location
- Label entry
- A Default cash bank implementation
- Payment issue receipt (now default is cash bank code as given in user profile)
- Bill entry when cash is clicked
- Categoy wise barcode printing
- Now while printing barcode all barcodes of same category come together
- Reports
- Stock statement - on approval - sample --- Sale value now coming properly for stock type label
- Party ledger detail
- No of pcs not coming in manual ledger fixed
6.68.04 (14-01-2011)
- Transfer transaction printing in wholesale daily page
- Cost value in one gram imitation
- On approval statement sale value now coming properly for MRP items
- Contra entry - from & to cash bank on daily page print
6.68.03 (14-01-2011)
One Gram
- Category master print now product group wise
- Order requirement quality code extension
6.68.02 (08-01-2011)
- Money lending entry � (purity now shown)
One Gram
- Rounding problem in code calculation fixed
- Settlement date in party query
- Implement Userview -in functionality where all party types 'U' is hidden from user (like salesperson
view) party ledger , balance report
- Quality Code extended to 12 chars
- Revise style rates - quality code 12 chars
- Sales/ purchase/ labour matrix with margin
6.67.0 (01-01-2011)
Imitation Manufacturing
- Style no. Extended to 12 character
- Category short form extended to 15 chars
- Size code extended to 12 chars
- MIS report of sales/ purchase matrix added
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