IQTek - Software product & solutions company

WinMoney upgrades 2011

WinMoney package is being upgraded regulary according to customer feedback & requirements continuously since last 10 years. Customers can download new version free, without fearing for any disruption in their working

WinMoney thanks customers for their valuable suggestions & taking our product to new levels in retail, wholesale, manufacturing & normal accounting for other businesses

6.79 (22-11-2011)


  1. size code column increased to 25 chars - one gram


  1. Money lending ledger crash of narration more than 100 chars fixed
  2. Retail - above 5 lac mandatory pan no.

6.78.02 (14-10-2011)


  1. Daily Rate in wholesale giving rate amount print & gold amount calc in chitti - solved

6.78.01 (09-10-2011)


  1. Site wise report of party outstanding
  2. Party Ledger manual format - now rate cut comes in both the sides
  3. Crash of help when '[' is pressed - fixed

6.78.0 (06-10-2011)


  1. New Setting - Show Site - for extra field in bill & payment for site wise/ cost center wise accounting details
  2. Site column in party master (Party type N-stands for site, C-For customer)
  3. Site column in bill entry & payment screen
  4. On account settle - now takes care of lock date specified in system

WinMoney Retail

  1. Category barcode - added "Stock" column - for printing stock statement with photo
  2. Money Lending barcode fields added 'ParName', 'Phone', 'ItemPhoto', 'Narration'

6.77.07 (04-10-2011)


  1. Balance report no bill wise - new option of Lena/ Dena with logic change for showing rate cut entry on proper date

6.77.05 (27-09-2011)


  1. New Label entry screen - now works with enter key

6.77.04 (19-09-2011)

WinMoney Retail

  1. Interest calculation method "A" now works in money lending

6.77.02 (15-09-2011)


  1. Party ledger detail - bill format crash fixed

6.77.0 (11-09-2011)


  1. Subcode in party master made 2 digits -
  2. New Settings added
    1. Increase Display Font Size - to take advantage of for bigger resolution in terms of height screens
    2. Show Category Wise Melting Range - For wholesale showing stock in melting range as specified in range table
    3. Export bill details to excel - for poup up breakup

6.77.01 (11-09-2011)


  1. Form resize - Money entry, receipt, search item - for taking advantage of higer resolution screens

6.76.0 (05-09-2011)


  1. Multi currency implemented
    1. Party master
    2. Contra party journal entry with currency
    3. Business summary with currency


  1. Supplier Short text in label - increased to 10 characters from 5 characters
  2. Interest calculation method - added in subbook
  3. Setting �Money lending date wise� - interest of 1 month extra � in case of sub book A - fixed
  4. Setting "Show Advance Interest In Udhar Lending Entry" - extra setting added

6.75.0 (05-08-2011)


  1. Barcode for party master
  2. Attrib1 of label (used for diamond jew certificate) now comes in print (sales bill)
  3. Business summary with currency


  1. SMS on sales/ order with mobile in purchase/ sales screen
  2. Stock statement - issue receipt labels with date wise totals
  3. Smstemplate.txt - Can be copied into customer folder for sms template changing by user

6.74.1 (21-08-2011)


  1. No1 Money lending bills crash due to overflow of bill no exceeding 5 chars - fixed

6.74.0 (03-08-2011)

Retail - New Settings

  1. "Money Lending Security Types" - now can be specfied via settings
  2. Implementation of fix date wise lending via "Money Lending Month Day Wise"


  1. Subbook code can now be 2 characters in place of earlier limitation of only one character

One gram

  1. �Negative Stock Lock� for 1 gram setting checking stock going negative
  2. Negative stock check during purchase sales entry screen

6.73.6 (13-07-2011)


  1. Labour calculation in (handmade) now directly with gross * wastage in place of earlier (party fine - net wt)
  2. When �handmade labour calc setting�
    1. Melting for party fine calculation now always 100
    2. Melting used only for grouping in "no lot" statement

6.73.4 (27-06-2011)


  1. In case of handmade labour calculation for labour issue/ receipt - purity if not specified treated as 0
  2. Handmade calculation statement with "no lot"

6.73.3 (13-06-2011)


  1. Handmade mix settings without lot & with lot together settings
    1. Without lot - R, P
    2. With Lot - R,P,RF,PF

6.73.2 (04-06-2011)


  1. Barcode per day crash during create per day -- fixed

6.73.1 (01-06-2011)


  1. Loose ledger - quality wise
  2. Search item - label
  3. Search caret, quality
  4. Quality field size increase to 15 characters
  5. New sale bill with prefix "new" with photo for "onegramgold" And "antiquecalc" And "photoon"


  1. Form 12 - address city added

6.73.0 (16-05-2011)


  1. Weighing machine event handler as per old code - auto print button setting effectively not working in software - fixed
  2. Handmade report - operation wise without lot
  3. Search caret, quality


  1. "Change To Indian Regional Setting" - now user can opt for dd/MM/yyyy date as optional in place of earlier compulsory update in regional setting by program. This led to breaking of some broker front ends.

6.72.0 (06-05-2011)


  1. Security on MIS Reports
  2. Location code in labeling
  3. One gram - stone size column length increase to 20

6.71.10 (01-05-2011)


  1. Googly - Conditional Compilation
  2. Now drag database & drop on to WinMoney icon must work

6.09.10 (30-04-2011)


  1. Diamond type popup with caret not getting saved - creating problem in wholesale fixed
  2. Stock ledger pure figure calculation

6.71.02 (10-03-2011)


  1. Party ledger detail variation of with interest due date in amount & weight on running balance
  2. Antique calculation - mult fact bug fixed - creating problem of mult factor 0 in last row

6.71.0 (07-03-2011)


  1. Addition field in label Popup11, 12, poup11amt, poup12amt
  2. Party ledger detail variation of with interest in amount & weight on running balance

6.70.01 (23-02-2011)


  1. Addition field in label Popup8, 9, 10, poup8amt, poup9amt, poup10amt
  2. Stock transfer grid made smooth, with cursor moving automatically in next column


  1. Money lending screen crash fixed when bill no is null

6.69.01 (15-02-2011)


  1. Partial delivery in bullion implemented
  2. Closing balance in chitti

One Gram

  1. Style master print in one gram


  1. On approval purge in retail - upto date

6.69.01 (26-01-2011)


  1. Category master print - separate screen
  2. Style master print
  3. Search - narration now searches in bill item description
  4. Sale value column
    1. Labour receipt, issue
    2. Stock transfer
    3. Sales now can be entered by user
  5. User profile
    1. Default location
    2. Default cash bank code
    3. Implementation of coded password in user table
  6. Default location implementation
    1. Bill entry
    2. Payment issue receipt
    3. Stock transfer from location
    4. Label entry
  7. A Default cash bank implementation
    1. Payment issue receipt (now default is cash bank code as given in user profile)
    2. Bill entry when cash is clicked
  8. Categoy wise barcode printing
    1. Now while printing barcode all barcodes of same category come together
  9. Reports
    1. Stock statement - on approval - sample --- Sale value now coming properly for stock type label
  10. Party ledger detail
    1. No of pcs not coming in manual ledger fixed

6.68.04 (14-01-2011)


  1. Transfer transaction printing in wholesale daily page
  2. Cost value in one gram imitation
  3. On approval statement sale value now coming properly for MRP items
  4. Contra entry - from & to cash bank on daily page print

6.68.03 (14-01-2011)

One Gram

  1. Category master print now product group wise
  2. Order requirement quality code extension

6.68.02 (08-01-2011)


  1. Money lending entry � (purity now shown)

One Gram

  1. Rounding problem in code calculation fixed



  1. Settlement date in party query
  2. Implement Userview -in functionality where all party types 'U' is hidden from user (like salesperson view) party ledger , balance report


  1. Quality Code extended to 12 chars
  2. Revise style rates - quality code 12 chars


  1. Sales/ purchase/ labour matrix with margin

6.67.0 (01-01-2011)

Imitation Manufacturing

  1. Style no. Extended to 12 character
  2. Category short form extended to 15 chars
  3. Size code extended to 12 chars


  1. MIS report of sales/ purchase matrix added

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