WinMoney upgrades 2012
WinMoney package is being upgraded regulary according to customer feedback & requirements continuously
since last 11 years. Customers can download new version free, without fearing for any disruption in their
WinMoney thanks customers for their valuable suggestions & taking our product to new levels in
retail, wholesale, manufacturing & normal accounting for other businesses
6.87.01 (08-11-2012)
- Problem of wastage weight getting double in 6.87.0 fixed
6.87.0 (04-11-2012)
- Settings
- Allow Popup Change in Input Label: this is only when user wants to change label carets in wholesale, when price is
fixed at a later stage by the supplier
- Allow Popup Change in Output Label: this is only when user wants to change label carets in wholesale
- Wastage wt implementation in wholesale
- Labour receipt
- Sales
- Box weight
6.86 (25-10-2012)
- Settings
- Bypass Orders In Sales Payment
- Show Order Outstanding As Sales Out
- Diamond size wise diamond stock (DiamondQualityEntry='Y')
- Safe mode in package start (login screen enter F8)
In this mode program will not load daily page and allow user to create duplicate without facing problem of 3197
- Label printing : popup metal and desc added in label
- Stock transfer in case of popup - bug of delete single row jumbling popup detail fixed
6.85 (18-09-2012)
- Show Category Weight Range : for viewing stock statement label category wt range wise
- Task list now comes with time
- Subbook screen now you can define crystal report customization in addition to DOS and windows formats
- Party ledger detail
- order bypass
- interest entries effect on settlement date
- Daily entry page - stock transfer transactions are now visiblee
- Order - option for cashbook
- Pending order statement
- party wise
- design/ item wise
6.83 (16-08-2012)
- User master/ profile added column of stock locations (locid1,locid2,) for restricting user access to only specfied location.
- Category code increase to 30
- Balance report: filter for interest amount and % added
- Order screen
- New column sets item wise
- Melt per in order
Bill printing
- Material code in popup details
One gram gold
- Cost/pc average update from purchase data Lending receipt - search on narration and bill no added
6.82 (09-07-2012)
- Setting :OrderPhotoTypeTCL = T- Track (O-order track, I-item), C-Category (1 gram), L-Label
Photo on disk
- O-TrackId
- I-Item No
- C-Category
- L-Label (Item No)
- category valuation method Q - for quantity * cost for balance sheet
- Purchase sales register - new option for adding rate cut in purchase sales report
- multi location
- contra entry made location wise
- cash bank code location added
- parties also can be segregated location wise
- Category master and style master print corrected added option for category group wise
- Party Query - now in place of +/- clear cut Lena, Dena comes in caption
- Reduction % implementation : For controlling calcuation of net weight based on the percentage specified for each party and material
- party ledger detail option for rate printing
- partial delivery now comes with balance new entry coming in current date
- on account settle - now during the settelement all pending contracts are bypassed
- effect of pending contract on business summary, with balancing effect of pending contract rate and current rate
- Bullion - rate cut statement party wise option
- money lending barcode added
- Party code merge added for retail merging 2 party accounts into one
6.80 (10-02-2012)
- User functions - new function implement location lock, this will restrict user to default location as specfied in user master
- Setting - "Implement Multi location filter": restricts access to stock, cash, party with given location
- Gold Rate 14 caret
- Stock statement wastage % and wastage weight added
One gram mfg
- Consolidated quality, size wise stone requirement based on orders
6.80 (26-02-2012)
- Crystal template in custom folder attached with subbook added
- Photo in order booking
- Excel export in major reports like
- stock statement
- balance report
- a/c wise expenses
- cash book
- party master
- category valuation method Q - for quantity * cost for balance sheet
- Purchase sales register - new option for adding rate cut in purchase sales report
- multi location
- contra entry made location wise
- cash bank code location added
- parties also can be segregated location wise
- Category master and style master print corrected added option for category group wise
- Party Query - now in place of +/- clear cut Lena, Dena comes in caption
- Reduction % implementation : For controlling calcuation of net weight based on the percentage specified for each party and material
- party ledger detail option for rate printing
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