Daily Transaction:
Print of daily transaction with cash/stock opening and closing and total receipt weight
and issue weight in a very compact and concise format.
Party ledger:
Detail of all the transaction done with party/customer with final
balance(Lena/Dena) in a very compact and concise format.
Purchase/sales Register:
Party wise or date wise (from/ to) sale/ purchase details
Stock Ledger:
complete stock detail obtain as and when required.
Stock Statement:
purchase date / weight wise/with opening and closing weight.
Cash/Bank book:
Detail of cash/bank transfer(from date/to date)
Bill wise outstandings :
Area wise/ slab wise/ payment due date wise/ between given doc date wise/ Bill/ Party wise balance details
Profit & loss:
As on date balance sheet with interest calculation and gold rate valuation
Average Purchase/ Sale:
Daily/monthly/yearly purchase/sale rate
Party Wise Profit / Loss:
Detailing sales margin outstanding interest and effect of gold rate flucuation
Account Wise:
Expense/Income detail obtain(from date/to date)
Bill Printing:
Sale,Purchase.karigarissue/receipt vochers
Loan And Business Account:
Sarafi account with interest calculation
Karigar Metal Due Report:
Detais of metal which has to be received from karigar