Daily Transaction:
Print of daily transaction with moneylending & udharlending cash opening and closing.
Item In Loss:
Moneylending Item that are in loss are listed separately with gold rate valuation.
Expire Date Report:
List of all the parties to whose items are on credit day bases.
Balance Outstanding:
Area wise/ slab wise/ payment due date wise/ between given doc date wise/ Bill/ Party wise balance details.
Cash/Bank Book:
Detail of cash/bank transfer(from date/to date).
Moneylending Ledger :
Complete detail of moneylending/ moneyborrow/ udharlending/ udharborrow with interest calculation.
Gujarat Moneylending Format:
Format that is specific Gujarat state act. for moneylending:-
- Day book
- Year end interest Calculation
- Given report
- Party ledger
- Form 12
- Interest Ledger
Profit & Loss:
As on date balance sheet with interest calculation and gold rate valuation.