IQTek - Software product & solutions company


Daily Transaction: Print of daily transaction with moneylending & udharlending cash opening and closing.
Item In Loss: Moneylending Item that are in loss are listed separately with gold rate valuation.
Expire Date Report: List of all the parties to whose items are on credit day bases.
Balance Outstanding: Area wise/ slab wise/ payment due date wise/ between given doc date wise/ Bill/ Party wise balance details.
Cash/Bank Book: Detail of cash/bank transfer(from date/to date).
Moneylending Ledger : Complete detail of moneylending/ moneyborrow/ udharlending/ udharborrow with interest calculation.
Gujarat Moneylending Format: Format that is specific Gujarat state act. for moneylending:-
  1. Day book
  2. Year end interest Calculation
  3. Given report
  4. Party ledger
  5. Form 12
  6. Interest Ledger
Profit & Loss: As on date balance sheet with interest calculation and gold rate valuation.


  1. Detail of party with interest calculation month wise/date wise.
  2. Interest of additional money on same item added in total.
  3. Chiti wise balance of each item.
  4. label printing of moneylending item received.
  5. scanning of signature and ornaments scanning of parties for record.


  1. Detail of party with interest calculation month wise/date wise(according to prevalent business system.
  2. Chiti wise balance of each item.
  3. Money received in installment of udhar item sold.


  1. Record of Udala(bank) where party items are kept.
  2. Showing item where kept at the time of settlement.

Udhar Borrow

  1. Record of Udhar(sarafi) with interest calculation.


  1. Daily cashbook with cash tallying facility with transactions entered in other modules.
  2. Entry of expenses and income.