IQTek - Software product & solutions company

IQTEK SOFTWARE with IT experience of 14 years is in a position to understand multiple IT application delivery platforms. We have the capability to undertake toughest of application re-engineering/ software maintenance work.

System / Software Maintenance & IT Outsourcing

IQTek with varied & diverse knowledge of business domains & technical platforms can help in :-

  1. Software performance problem trouble shooting
  2. Making the plan for changeover to latest platform
  3. Maintenance of enterprise software assets including obsolete platform applications like (FoxPro, VB, COBOL, POWER BUILDER)
  4. Rationalizing IT Costs for providing better value for money
  5. Keeping business system running 24x7
  6. Maintaining business continuity on the face of employee turnover or vendor dispute
We provide following services, to help customer in achieving the above listed objectives.
  1. Software maintenance
  2. IT Support
  3. IT restructuring & consulting

Delivery model for software maintenance

Software maintenance outsourcing involves day to day involvement with customer in terms of understanding requirements, discussions regarding development & implementation.

We are in a position to start delivery from day one, rather than blaming earlier developer or failure of proper documentation.

Taking over of existing code

  1. Source code v/s running code
  2. Immediate requirement for Management reporting
  3. User pending requirement listing
  4. Risk identification with respect to operational requirements
  5. Software hard coding & development shortcuts listing

Code maintenance

  1. Breaking down phase wise requirements for management review & development
  2. Internal code risk factors & removing of the same
  3. Data security implementation
  4. Putting versioning system in place for team working
  5. Creating standby/ test configuration
  6. Keeping track of changes made in each deployment

Feedback to management

  1. Abstraction of user requirements for building up next layer of the system
  2. Phase wise user requirements for management review
  3. Internal system risk factors
  4. Budgets & Costing

Pricing & payment models

We can work on fixed cost, as well as running manpower cost based on persons deployed on customer account.

Delivery model for IT support

We can extend IT support for running your business system 24x7 with guaranteed business continuity.

Take over of operational servers

  1. Installation scripts
  2. Documenting the configuration
  3. Creation of standby server
  4. Recurring tasks that require manual intervention

Take over of operational applications

  1. Study of problems encountered/ manpower efforts put in to keep the system running during last six months of operations.
  2. Making a list of recurring tasks which require manual intervention.
  3. Installation scripts for client as well as server portion.
  4. Source code v/s running code verification
  5. Database backup/ restore.
  6. Creation of standby application setup.
  7. Identification of immediate change requirement in the system to keep system running.

Business continuity

  1. Risk identification & coverage
    1. Hardware
    2. Software
    3. Scripts
    4. Manual intervention
  2. Backup recovery scripts
  3. Data security

Pricing & payment models

We can work on fixed cost, as well as running manpower cost based on persons deployed on customer account.

IT Restructuring

We can help in restructuring of IT operations, after studying business systems, manpower profile & operational requirements.

At IQTek, we do not believe in consultant's proposal without cost, where consultant only proposes & some one else implements. We can guarantee 100% workable proposal with cost, because we back it by way of our outsourcing proposal.


  1. Correct manpower requirement
  2. Deliverables for manpower


  1. Upscale or downscale hardware based on application load
  2. Phasing out proprietary hardware & software gradually


Cutting down proprietary vendors gradually to have better control over operations & cost