IQTek - Software product & solutions company

Material Requirement & Planning

The system has been designed to achieve following tasks :-

  1. Stock based on consumption.
  2. Generation of purchase schedules.
  3. RM Item status regarding stock, likely arrivals, consumption, reservation etc.
  4. WIP stage wise status.

Following are the main modules

  1. Week/ period calendar entry with holidays
  2. Stage wise production entry
  3. Weekly/ Daily dispatch plan entry
  4. Loading based on plan, actual & material availability
  5. Assy shop store order generation based on opening, material issued, motors produced & stock level as required to be maintained.
  6. Requirement generation
    1. WIP calculation opening WIP + loading - packing
    2. Stock calculation Opening stock RM + WIP + Receipt (Inspected CCI accp qty & others receipt qty) + Adjustment + Production - Components going as Spares - IDT, Scrap, Shop floor rejection - Consumption based on packing - Reservation based on WIP
    3. Future requirement - Netting of Plan with WIP - Netting of current week plan with current week actual - Calculation of requirement based on Net plan
  7. Queries
    1. For an item opening stock, receipts, consumptions, requirements, pending schedules etc with option of getting quarterly breakup of transactions on screen.
    2. For a rating stage (Loading, welding, winding, dipping, assembly, testing) wise WIP.
  8. Reports
    1. Job order printout
    2. Daily/ weekly plan/ loading/ actual
    3. Requirement summary to check BOM
    4. Material schedule based on net requirements
    5. Loading required
    6. 6 Week plan printing
    7. WIP stage wise report
    8. Purchase action report
    9. Daily report (executive summary) containing production, sales, plan & average figures.