IQTek - Software product & solutions company

The functionality of Sales & module is to record sales orders & to generate despatch plan.

Sales & Order Processing

This modules provides

  1. Maintain price list item wise & customer wise
  2. Providing pending sales orders
  3. Sales Reporting
  4. MIS for management action


  1. Customer
  2. Consignee Master
  3. Segment Master
  4. Product Group Master
  5. Transport Groups
  6. Product Master
  7. Sales Representative
  8. Sales Rep Assignment
  9. Price List
  10. Transport Rates Customer
  11. Rate Master (Consignee, product wise)
  12. Bulk Rate Amendment


  1. Sales Order With Customer, Consignee, Product, and Price & Transport Details
  2. Print Sales Order.
  3. Sales Order Dispatch Plan
  4. Generate Delivery Order from Plan
  5. Generate Bulk Delivery Order
  6. DO Cancellation.
  7. Hold or Release Sales Order.
  8. CT3
  9. Job Order Entry
  10. C Form.


  1. Bill Listing Report
  2. Quantity Rate Analysis Statement
  3. Sales Day Book Report
  4. Sales Day Book One Page Summary
  5. Sales Register
  6. Rate Master
  7. Pending Sales orders
  8. Pending Delivery orders
  9. Daily Dispatch Detail & summary
  10. Daily One Page Report
  11. Dispatch Report (GDN, Consignee, Product, Customer, Destination)
  12. Monthly Summary Reports � Receipt, Dispatch & internal
  13. Canceled DO list
  14. Ct3 Balance QtyM
  15. Suggested Transport Payments