IQTek - Software product & solutions company

The functionality of Inventory module is to maintain inventory of all types of items like Raw Material, Finished items & Maintenance items.

Inventory-Maintenance Items /Raw Materials /Packing /Finished Items

The functionality

  1. Indents entry
  2. Indent generation for level based items
  3. Indent authorization
  4. Goods receipt
  5. Inventory valuation
  6. Location wise finished goods stock
  7. Maintenance budgeting & compliance


  1. Material Category
  2. Item Master
  3. Acceptance Reason
  4. Rejection Reason
  5. Item � Location
  6. Budget Value
  7. Inspection Person
  8. Indent authorization matrix


  1. Indent/ Purchase Requisition Master Entry
  2. Indent Authorization
  3. Stores Requisition
  4. Adjustment
  5. Returns
  6. Material Receipt Note (MRN) Based On Purchase Order
  7. Inspection


  1. Checklist of Daily Transactions
  2. Pending Indents
  3. Stock Sheet
  4. Stock Ledger
  5. Dept/Cost centers Stores requisition
  6. Fast Moving/ Non Moving/ Stock out Items
  7. Item Listing
  8. Age wise Analysis
  9. Material Rejection Register
  10. SRN Register
  11. MRN Register
  12. Receipt & Issues
  13. Purchase requisition Items in Stock


  1. Stores - Generate Indents
  2. Process Month
  3. Close Month
  4. JV Accts
  5. Close Year